Saturday, October 23, 2010

Looking at My 1964 Christmas List

This has to be from 1964, when I was five--I don't think it could have been any earlier, and the subsequent ones are accounted for. Even then I wanted records. I can't imagine what "horsefilm" referred to. "Play cat"? "Ball ball"? "Dragon gun puppet"--is that one item, or two, or three?

Here are the Uncle Wiggily and Red Riding Hood games (neither of which Santa elected to bring me):

And here's Odd Ogg, which I didn't get either:
And here's the aftermath of that Christmas morning:
That's our new puppy, Jill, in the center of the picture. My High Gear game is on the coffee table, along with a book that seems to be called "Fun With Paper and Pencil"--I don't remember it, but it must have been mine, since my sister was two years old. Also on the table is what looks like a cement mixer truck. I can't tell what the open box on the couch is. Other photos show that I got a King of the Hill game and my sister got a toy iron and ironing board.

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